Wednesday, January 14, 2015

STARS Clinic 1-14-15

We could not have picked a better day for the 2nd STARS Clinic of the season. Mid 40's today with a blanket of new snow from our snowmakers. We had 46 Seniors take part and we introduced 6 NEW Seniors to our program. We had an indoor clinic by Ron Parody and John Ward on how to tune and wax your skis and board. Several questions where asked by our Seniors and then we hit the snow for our STARS clinic.

Next week should be a lot of the same with the weather in the mid 40's and if the low temps continue to be in the 20's we should have some NEW snow to ski and ride on.

Don't forget to check out all our pictures from the day at

Also, please RSVP if you will be attending next weeks clinic on January 21, 2015.

Ski u later,
