Monday, January 12, 2015

Reminder STARS 1-14-15

Good Afternoon STARS:
Just a reminder about our SENIOR PROGRAM STARS 2nd CLINIC this coming Wednesday, January 14th at 9:00 am at West Resort.
Plan to get there a little early so you can purchase your ticket so you will be on time for your lesson. If you booked your lesson online, just plan on meeting inside the Big Pines lodge.
Check in will be from 8:15 am – 9:00 am. 9:00 am will be doing an indoor clinic on “how to tune and wax your skis/board." We plan to hit the slopes at 9:30 am sharp!
The weather will be perfect with the high temperatures in the mid 40's and crystal clear blue skies. We have plenty of snow so make sure your boards and skis are wax and you are ready to go this Wednesday.
We will have another bluebird day this WEDNESDAY! 
Please RSVP ASAP  for our clinic. Thanks to those Seniors who have already RSVP’D!
Ski u Wednesday,