Friday, February 10, 2023

Reminder STARS Clinic 2/15


Just a reminder of our SENIOR PROGRAM STARS 5th CLINIC Wednesday, February 15th at 9:00 am. We will be at the WEST RESORT. 
We will have blue skies  and temps should be in the low 40’s.Our 5th clinic should have lots of snow and lots of fun!! We have 20-30 inches ,so coverage is excellent.


Evaluation: Glow and grow- Please let us know what is one thing we do well and one thing we can improve on. Just shoot me an email. Thanks


If you need any equipment for this season, please give Steve Crane a call, at Sports LTD in Woodland Hills. Let him know I sent you and you are in the STARS Program at Mountain High. I know he will take care of you. Bring a copy of this email


Sports LTD 
22642 Ventura Blvd
Woodland Hills CA 91364


Make sure you call and set an appointment up with Steve or Chris.


Tip of the Day-How to become a more advanced skier

Avoid too much extension at the beginning of the turn. If you're too upright, you risk losing contact with the snow. Stay lower and focus on moving from one foot to the other.
Meet me at the  Bullwheel Grill at 8:15 am – 8:45 am. Please make sure you are here no later than 9:00. We need to put you in your group and then announcements are made.  Thanks 


Please buy your lesson prior to Monday to guarantee a spot.  Thanks to the many Seniors who have purchase your lesson already.


Ski u Wednesday,