Wednesday, January 8, 2020



We began the 11th season of the STARS program and what a great first day we had. We welcomed 70 Seniors to the first STARS Clinic of the season. Everyone got through tickets with a just a few hiccups but we made it to the snow and as the saying goes,”Seniors That Aways Rip Snow” are (STARS) and they did just that today.

We had a greeting from our Winter Sports School Director, Michael Foley and Senior Vice President, Michele Roy and at 9:30 we hit the snow. Group picture with the Yetti was taken and then everyone went up the chair to be put in their skiing and riding groups.

Blue sky and a lot of smiles were seen throughout the morning.  We were able to ski and ride on 30-48 inches of new snow that came our way a week or so ago. 

Attached you will find our group photo of the day. Also on the STARS Blog you will find your instructor and the your group.

We also had the privilege in meeting some wonderful NEW Seniors to our program. Thanks to all Seniors who came today. I know this is going to be a great Senior Program STARS season. Hope to see all of you on January 15th! 

Please do not forget to RSVP prior to our Wednesday clinic. 

Ski u later, 
