Sunday, February 21, 2016

Just want to let you know that our next STARS Clinic, Wednesday, February 24th will be cancelled due to snow conditions not the BEST for you Seniors. This does not mean the end of the season but a temporary hold on our program till we receive more natural snow.

I want to THANK each and every Senior who participated this season and your commitment does not go unnoticed by the instructors and me too. You are why we do this each week here at Mountain High. Most of you have been with us since the beginning, February 2010 and here we are in our 7th year. What a ride!!

We have almost completed 7 years of the program. From our eyes it has been a fantastic program and we want to make it even better next year. Please take a minute and email me one thing we can glow on (Positive) and one thing we can grow on (Improve). This will help us develop the necessary goals for next years program. Your input is so valuable, without it we cannot build the program.

I would like to personally thank the instructors who have been incredible this season dealing with all the changes we have had to endure to make this program work. This TEAM is OUTSTANDING and a pleasure to work along side each and every Wednesday. Without their commitment we could not meet the individual needs for you Seniors. Thanks.. Ron, Allan, Larry, John Ward, Mark, George D., Bruce, George M. Greg, Jon Smith and Jim Kennedy.

I also want to thank Ann in tickets, Tracy, and Katie for their continued support behind the scenes to make our program the BEST! Thanks ladies!

Our STARS Program would not have been possible without the complete support of management. In the past seven years, they have provided resources in making the Program successful. Thanks Karl, Michele, John, and Ben.

Last but not least I want to thank Blaine Lomen, our Winter Sports School Director.. He has given his total support behind the STARS Program and all of us really appreciate it.

Hopefully in a couple of weeks I can bring you GREAT news that we will have the snow conditions warranted to have our next STARS clinic.

Until then….. Ski u later,
