Monday, February 6, 2023

Monday Update



Monday update for our 4th Clinic in our STARS Program. Gorgeous Southern California weather is on tap for Wednesday. Sunny, and chilly with Santa Anna winds that has been forecasted, so Wednesday will be perfect for skiing and riding at Mountain High. Parking pass attached.


Don't be late…please…we begin our lesson at 9:30 am sharp. If you are not here to check in and get equipment etc you will be losing time in your lesson. It is difficult to find your instructor as they are skiing and riding all over the mountain beginning at 9:30 am sharp.


Liability for STARS lesson and ID  New Seniors will meet in front of the Bullwheel Grill at 8:30am, and will have to sign a liability form and show ID to prove they are over 50. You only have to do this once for the season.
We have a few Seniors who have not sign the STARS liability form and show their ID. Please do so on Wednesday.


To Register and purchase online: click on the link


Winter Sports Center (WSC) Check-In located at Top of the Bullwheel Express Magic Carpet. STARS area is where you get your Rentals and Lift Tickets. Reminder to arrive early as this process can take up 30 minutes. WSC Check In Area will be open at 8AM..


The weather will sunny with temperatures in the low 40’s. We will have another blue bird day for our 4th clinic of the season.  


We still have slots available for Wednesday, so if you are planning to come to the clinic, please purchase your lesson, lift ticket online ,ASAP.



Ski u Wednesday,

